Tue, Mar 21, 2017
Associated Air Center (AAC) of the US has redelivered a VVIP Airbus to a Middle East Head of State following completions work on the corporate jet.
The ACJ 320 aircraft was AAC’s 21st Airbus completions project and 22nd total completion – including both Boeing and Airbus wide body and narrow body aircraft – for Head of State customers around the globe.
The ACJ320 was for a Middle Eastern Head of State and the aircraft was redelivered from AAC’s Dallas Love Field facilities earlier this month.
The ACJ320 programme began as a green aircraft for AAC.
The VVIP interior was designed by Andrew Winch and featured a master suite, office, dining lounge, entertainment lounge and specialty seating for guests.
AAC technicians then engineered and manufactured the interior furnishings with newly developed construction methods to achieve the customer’s aggressive weight requirements.
In addition to the interior, AAC also achieved the installation and certification KA Antenna System with FAA STC and Easa validation for the customer.
“By reducing the overall interior weight 10 per cent under the customer’s specifications, the aircraft provides greater range and reduced operating costs. AAC continues to develop and enhance innovative weight reductions into our current and future customers’ platforms,” said Chip Fichtner, Vice President of Business Development for AAC.
In 2016, AAC redelivered two other Head of State aircraft -- a wide body Boeing 747-8 and wide body Boeing 787-800.
AAC is StandardAero’s Transport Category VIP completions centre. Based in Dallas, AAC offers full completion capabilities for both narrow body and wide body aircraft, including maintenance, refurbishment, modifications and upgrades. AAC’s state-of-the-art facility provides world-class interior design, engineering and completion capabilities, engine and airframe MRO and ODA certification authority.