Wed, Jun 21, 2017
A senior aviation expert, David Studden, will moderate the Gulf Aviation Training Event (Gate) which takes place on November 13 as part of the 2017 Dubai Airshow.
Studden is the Senior Manager, Business Development at the Gulf Centre for Aviation Studies (GCAS).
Drawing on his 16 years of experience spanning a variety of roles with the aviation industry, Studden will lead the conference in addressing the challenges of growing demand for pilots, explore solutions and shape Middle East aviation training.
His experience includes learning and development, strategic planning, business development and marketing.
“I am proud to moderate Gate 2017 and am looking forward to some interesting and informative discussions,” said Studden. “Throughout my career I have believed that learning is a life-long experience and Gate will be an ideal place to address challenges and opportunities facing the aerospace industry in the Middle East, with key industry leaders involved in both the panels and the audience.”
Panels will include discussions on regional training developments, technology in training and aviation schools, instructors and certification standards; while presentations will include an in depth look at evidence based training principles, plus aim to answer the question “How do you better train a pilot?”.
“We are thrilled to have David Studden on board for Gate 2017,” said Michele van Akelijen, Managing Director of show organisers F&E Aerospace. “His combination of experience, knowledge and enthusiasm will ensure the conference is both educational and informative, providing value to all its attendees.”
The Gate conference takes place November 13 and the Gate exhibition, a dedicated space within the Dubai Airshow will run from November 12 to 16.